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Full Version: Adding download resume ability to attachments
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Can you tell me the name of the download manager that you are using?
I am using the IDM 6.18

This is the latest version

After being unable to complete download I have this err :

Start with good speed


And then


I will look into this, I am probably missing a few bytes somewhere.
its vb attachment file

i dont have any problem with vb forums

It can help you change Some of the codes?

Everything is good , The problem is the last bytes Huh
I will check my script later today but I don't have any free time at the moment. It is possible that somebody will realize the issue in the meantime, it is most likely a sneaky bug in the math.

PS: You should remove that file
Anyone have an idea?

The problem was solved by change this lines :

if ($partial_download_size >= 8192)


if ($partial_file_size >= 8192)


$partial_download_size -= 8192;


$partial_file_size -= 8192;

but after i change this code my db process on downloading is very high and my forum move to time out for a few seconds after download file

If that fixed it then something is wrong with the download manager. I am here in the next few hours and will take a look at my code to find that missing byte.

that is fixed , and no problem with Download Manager and downloads . It works very well

But when downloading It was very high db Processing and sometimes Timeout on the forum pages

I asked the server And they said, the following path caused this problem


Hopefully we can resolve this problem.
The server is having issues because the while loop is reading the variable until $partial_download_size reaches 0 or a negative value, I think I found the problem anyways, I'll get back to you soon.
(2014-01-13, 12:56 AM)SentoWeb Wrote: [ -> ]I think I found the problem anyways, I'll get back to you soon.

This is good news. Thank you Heart
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