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Full Version: adsense help needed
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i need help in placing ads in my forum i dont no where to place the ad code my idea is if i place ad code in one place it must display in all pages without adding code in all pages because its hard to add code in all pages pls help me in this issue
Depends on were you want to place it. There are various Plugins available to place it say after your 1st post on each thread if you want to.

For our site i decided to place the code at the bottom of the forum on every page, to do this i just added the code at the top of the Footer template in ACP.

If you wanted to you could add it to the top of the forum using the Header template.

Either way the ads will show on every page so you only need to add it once.
i need a plugin that display ad in every page i create and i dont need to add ad in every page i created
you can use this plugin : my-advertisements
yeah i uploaded but i dint got advertisements plugin in my admin cp
^ the referred plugin has 5 or 6 files ; have you uploaded them to their correct location ...
yes uploaded in ht docs folder
its not clear where you have uploaded the files ...

assuming that your myBB installation is at htdocs , here is the uploading structure :

Upload\inc\plugins\myadvertisements.php --> htdocs\inc\plugins\myadvertisements.php
Upload\inc\tasks\myadvertisements.php --> htdocs\inc\tasks\myadvertisements.php
Upload\jscripts\myadvertisements.js --> htdocs\jscripts\myadvertisements.js
Upload\inc\languages\english\myadvertisements.lang.php --> htdocs\inc\languages\english\myadvertisements.lang.php
Upload\inc\languages\english\admin\myadvertisements.lang.php --> htdocs\inc\languages\english\admin\myadvertisements.lang.php
1. Open your root folder and then open your MyBB forum folder (were ever you have located it).

Open the inc folder and in there you will see languages,plugins,task folders.

2. Open Languages/English folder and place myadvertisements.php there.

Then open the admin folder and place that myadvertisment.php file in there.

3. Go back to the plugins folder and open it. Place myadvertisements in there.

4. Go back up and open the task folder. Place the myadvertisements file in there.

5. Go back up again this time until you see the jscripts folder. Place the jscripts file in there.

Go to Admin CP -> Configuration -> Plugins and Activate "My Advertisements"
Then go to Settings -> My Advertisements and change anything you need.
i placed ad code my sent not coming this is my site link
im getting this error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
2005 - Unknown MySQL server host '' (2)
[READ] Unable to connect to MySQL server

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