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Full Version: Goodbye reputation ; Automatic reputation
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hi ,this my new post on mybb forum,
first sory to all for my english and grammer ,Blush
ok lets go
on mybb ,there is a system user can reputation to other ,but i think thats not good ,user rate with his taste,Angry
now , with newpoints ,system can do it ,i change prostats code to show user reputation on stats ,

1-install new point
so downlaad and instal it form here
ok ,after instal go to setting and change setting for your language and taste Big Grin
2-show on post bit
now go to postbit_author_user on themplation ,open it ,and remove reputation parametr ,

if thats style ,remove all ,
.go to postbit_classic , if you use ather postbit ,,go here ,search to code and find
and cut it ,paste uper
now , go to remove point link from your ney reputation,
go to universal themplation ,find
remove all code and replace with
<br /><span class="smalltext">{$currency}:{$points}</a></span>{$donate}
we finish easy work,next step,we change prostats code to show newpoints stat
before this step ,turn off prostats Lightbulb
3-open and edit /inc/plugins/prostats.php
function ps_GetMostReputation($NumOfRows)
	global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $parser, $ps_align;

	$query = $db->query("
		SELECT u.uid,u.reputation,u.username,u.usergroup,u.displaygroup 
		FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u 
		LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups ug ON (u.usergroup = ug.gid) 
		WHERE ug.usereputationsystem='1' 
		ORDER BY u.reputation DESC 
		LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows

	while ($most_reputations = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
		$uid = $most_reputations['uid'];
		$profilelink = get_profile_link($uid);
		$repscount = intval($most_reputations['reputation']);
		$username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($most_reputations['username']), $most_reputations['usergroup'], $most_reputations['displaygroup']);
		eval("\$mostreputation_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreputation_row")."\";");
	eval("\$column_mostreputation = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreputation")."\";");

	return $column_mostreputation;

and replace with

function ps_GetMostReputation($NumOfRows)
	global $mybb, $db, $templates, $theme, $lang, $parser, $ps_align;

	$query = $db->query("
		SELECT u.uid,u.newpoints,u.username,u.usergroup,u.displaygroup 
		FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u 
		LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups ug ON (u.usergroup = ug.gid) 
		ORDER BY u.newpoints DESC 
		LIMIT 0,".$NumOfRows

	while ($most_reputations = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
		$uid = $most_reputations['uid'];
		$profilelink = get_profile_link($uid);
		$repscount = intval($most_reputations['newpoints']);
		$username = ps_FormatName(htmlspecialchars_uni($most_reputations['username']), $most_reputations['usergroup'], $most_reputations['displaygroup']);
		eval("\$mostreputation_row .= \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreputation_row")."\";");
	eval("\$column_mostreputation = \"".$templates->get("prostats_mostreputation")."\";");

	return $column_mostreputation;
i change db adrress of reputation with db new points

$repscount = intval($most_reputations['reputation'])------>>>-$repscount = intval($most_reputations['newpoints']);


<td align=\"{\$ps_align}\"><a href=\"reputation.php?uid={\$uid}\">{\$repscount}</a></td>

and replace to :
<td><a href=\"{\$profilelink}\">{\$username}</a></td>

finish ,thanks all ,