How to show on board statics that who has visited today on your forum, and who was online on your forum since the form is created. i.e. if there are 10 members total since your form is created, then obviously they have visited your form. so I want to show their names on board statics.
any template file to edit? because I dont find a plugin for that
and what about registered members of your forms? I want to show it also on index
mmm, Actually I want to show total members that are registered on my forum since the forum is created, with their usernames.
If you're adding all those registered users on Index then IMO its not a good idea. YOu can use memberlist.php for such purposes.
oh yeah thankx, and btw what is IMO?
IMO = In My Opinion

oh :p , and why it is not a good idea to show all of them on index?
Since you're trying to add All users (from the date f forum create) on the index, if you've 1000 users then you may think how big your index page would be.