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Full Version: Mybb 1.6.4 = Dynamic for Spam
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hi dear all my friends !!
please post if u have same problem !!!
all days we have 30-40 SPAM !! what we must to do !? what we need to do ? and it is now just with us !! its with Mybb official. too :

check this birthday :
[Image: 3145b7r.png]

thank u if u help us...if not again thank u Smile
Add Security Question plugin Smile
but Security Question plugin will stop other plugin !! :/ + why before upgrade their is no problem ?!
Maybe because those spam bots just arrived after the upgrade, coincidence Smile anyway, try another anti spam plugin like StopForumSpam Smile
i use StopForumSpam too Smile but now solution !??
(2011-08-01, 11:23 AM)zZJoennZz Wrote: [ -> ]Add Security Question plugin Smile


Trust me it works! I've had the same problem and now it's gone:

This plugin is the best, I even deactivated the Captcha, this plugin is stopping all the spambots:
i uplode it but have error !! cuse when i open ACP>Home » Plugins
there is no list for any plugin !!
open the plugin.php file look for
version 6.3 change to 6.*
but it is ok !!

'name' => 'Signup Questions',
'description' => 'Add a security question in the signup page, stopping spammers from being able to sign up.',
'website' => '',
'author' => 'Santiago Dimattía',
'authorsite' => '',
'version' => '1.1',
'guid' => '660fa4c815376e5666401df5b8b0854f',
'compatibility' => '16*'
-G33K- has the Registration Security Question plugin, and that other one I'm sure works as well. - Stop Forum Spam

Then nofollowing signature links/website links also help, believe it or not.
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