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Full Version: Restore the forum in my case?
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[b] MyBB script version: 1.6.3 - for this version was backed database. [/ b]
[b] forum address: [url =] PC-Specialist [/ url] [/ b]
[b] what the problem (screen, description, message):
Tuesday update emerged when I gave free rein to one of the administrators (beginning in MyBB). After the "upgrade" version of MyBB was always the same (MyBB 1.6.3) and the forum was effective (home page). 've Restored the database and for two days he was calm. He took up again for a forum software update. Now after the update can not be displayed Threads - probably the 404th Error What do I do now? Do a clean installation of MyBB 1.6.3 and restore the database and then update to help? I ask because I do not want to waste time, and maybe you know other ways. [/ B]

Please help.

Yours, eQuuS

Text translated by an interpreter, I apologize for errors arising from the translation of text into English.
Are you from Poland?

Try you'll get help in your language, it's better.
Text translated by an interpreter, I apologize for errors arising from the translation of text into English.

I installed MyBB 1.6.3 Polish pack then brought back a copy of the forum database (after problems with prefixes - gave me during the export "mybb_ 1" - applied to this
Quote:Database: MySQL
SQL Error: 1146 - Table 'forum_mybb14x.test_datacache' does not exist
Query: SELECT title, cache FROM test_datacache
Solution: This problem occurs, the prefix table is incorrect, Check listing $ config ['database']['table_prefix'] in the file inc /config.php.
and a forum to work correctly for a few minutes (the prefix MyBB replied 1) . I did not notice it before, but this is already my second attempt to restore the forum - without upgrading to MyBB 1.6.4 and 1.6.4 update to MyBB forum to work correctly for a few minutes. Currently I can not enter into sections and threads. shows:
404 Not Found

The resource requested could not be found on this server!
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I thought it was hosting the wine - but no. Do you have any ideas?

I'm Polish, but there also can not help me.
Do you have Google SEO installed or SEF URLs enabled?
No, I do not have Google SEO plugin installed. SEF URLs turned off and running, thanks for your help. After restoring the database, although I have not included plugins, I can configure them. , x