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Full Version: Change default notice
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I would like to change the following text to my own:
You are either not logged in or do not have permission to view this page. This could be because one of the following reasons:

   1. You are not logged in or registered. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to login.
   2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
   3. Your account may have been disabled by an administrator, or it may be awaiting account activation.
   4. You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or links.

Please advise me where I can find it.

And I would also like to know, if changing these default texts has some negative effects?

Thanks a lot!
It's between line 51-55 in ./inc/languages/english/messages.lang.php:

$l['error_nopermission_guest_1'] = "You are either not logged in or do not have permission to view this page. This could be because one of the following reasons:";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_2'] = "You are not logged in or registered. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to login.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_3'] = "You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be?  Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_4'] = "Your account may have been disabled by an administrator, or it may be awaiting account activation.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_5'] = "You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or links.";
(2011-08-02, 01:55 PM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]It's between line 51-55 in ./inc/languages/english/messages.lang.php:

$l['error_nopermission_guest_1'] = "You are either not logged in or do not have permission to view this page. This could be because one of the following reasons:";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_2'] = "You are not logged in or registered. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to login.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_3'] = "You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be?  Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_4'] = "Your account may have been disabled by an administrator, or it may be awaiting account activation.";
$l['error_nopermission_guest_5'] = "You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or links.";

Can I add HTML code inside the notice?
like <a href="">Click here</a>

THanks a lot