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Full Version: Links only for registered users
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is there a plugin or a function to hide posted links from guests?

i want that only registered users can see links. the same like attachement function. guests can't download attachements.

any ideas?

thanks alot!
1) Open the file inc/functions_post.php and search for:
function doshorturl($url, $name="")
    $fullurl = $url;
    // attempt to make a bit of sense out of their url if they dont type it properly
    if(strpos($url, "www.") === 0)
        $fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;
    if(strpos($url, "ftp.") === 0)
        $fullurl = "ftp://".$fullurl;
    if(strpos($fullurl, "://") === false)
        $fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;
        $name = $url;
    $name = stripslashes($name);
    $url = stripslashes($url);
    $fullurl = stripslashes($fullurl);
    if($name == $url)
        if(strlen($url) > 55)
            $name = substr($url, 0, 40)."...".substr($url, -10);
    $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a>";
    return $link;
Replace with:
function doshorturl($url, $name="")
    global $mybb;
    $fullurl = $url;
    // attempt to make a bit of sense out of their url if they dont type it properly
    if(strpos($url, "www.") === 0)
        $fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;
    if(strpos($url, "ftp.") === 0)
        $fullurl = "ftp://".$fullurl;
    if(strpos($fullurl, "://") === false)
        $fullurl = "http://".$fullurl;
        $name = $url;
    $name = stripslashes($name);
    $url = stripslashes($url);
    $fullurl = stripslashes($fullurl);
    if($name == $url)
        if(strlen($url) > 55)
            $name = substr($url, 0, 40)."...".substr($url, -10);
    if($mybb->user['uid'] != "0") {
        $link = "<a href=\"$fullurl\" target=\"_blank\">$name</a>";
    } else {
        $link = "<span style=\"color: red;\">You have to be registered to see this link</span>";
    return $link;
2) Admin-CP -> Users and Groups -> Manage Groups -> Unregistered/Not logged in -> Edit -> Can doenload attachments -> No.