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I've had a forum running perfectly well on a local server for some time (behind port 83). I needed to set up another forum so I installed the latest build 1.6.4, setup a new database and set everything up okay (behind port 84). It seemed to be running okay so I went through all the admin configuration so it could be accessed from the outside world via my IPaddress:84/myBBnewfolder - This didn't work correctly so I went back into ACP to check the settings that I had made. I now find that I can log in to ACP and get the Dashboard but as soon as I go to any other option in ACP, I am presented with the login page again. If I try to login, I don't get the message to say that I entered an incorrect password but I am still presented with the login page. This goes on ad-infintum. I went through Matt's posting regarding login problems because my problem did look like cookie settings, but on inspecting the inc/settings.php file, all things seem to be correct. The other forum continues to work okay.......
Any ideas?
not sure if you have seen login logout problems ..
Yes, as I said in my first post, I went through this posting by Matt, even to the point of deleting the inc/settings.php file and getting the forum to rebuild the file, but still no change.
Could you please PM me your IP address and full path to your forum?
That's not easy because, at the moment, the forwarding of requests to Port 84 just give "Cannot Display" browser errors, so you cannot view it. I assume this is because of some settings I've got wrong in the ACP although I was checking them with my existing forum whilst I was setting it up. I've set my router up to forward these requests to the correct machine and all looks okay here. The forum that I've got running on port 83 is working fine so I'm confused to say the least. I can access the forum via the localhost address but the formatting is incorrect and, as I said in the original post, using the ACP is not possible now apart from the initial Dashboard screen.
Are you really sure the cookie settings in ./inc/settings.php are correct? You're not supposed to include the port in the cookie domain. And is the file CHMOD to 666?
I ensured that there was no reference to ports where there shouldn't be (I needed them in the URL) and all relevent files (as stated in the Install Tutorial) were set to be fully writeable and executable. If it helps, here's a link so you can download my inc/settings.php file (as a zip)....

Will check posts again tomorrow. Got to shut down now........!!

Are you running the 2 sites on port 83 and 84 on the same ip? If you are then you might have to add a cookie prefix on one of them to differentiate between the 2. As it is, the cookie's are assuming they are the same site since they are only looking at the domain part(in this case the ip) and ignoring the port, so you need to have a way to keep them separate.
Yes that is the case and I did wonder at the time how cookies could be kept separate. So, in the file inc/settings.php if my cookies are set to .xx.xx.xx.xx, where does the prefix go and in what format for the second forum? The first forum is behind port 83, in folder mybb (say) and the second one behind port 84 in folder mybb2. Would this also affect the ACP login though?
The prefix will go in the $settings['cookieprefix'] setting. You will also have to set it in the admincp once you are able to login. You don't need to set it for both the boards but you can to keep them both unique. If the forums will have different paths like the example you gave of mybb and mybb2 then you might be able to getaway with setting the cookie paths ($settings['cookiepath']
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