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Full Version: Usernames without Uppercase
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How to prohibit users to use Uppercase for Usernames?
Using this mod for registration:
This plugin does not do what I want, because prohibits all capital letters but and only initial capital letter.
You want to force users to use Uppercase letters in usernames ? If so this is the plugin you want:
@ ecanikajo, please care to elaborate what exactly you want..
He wants something that changes ALL upercases in a username to lowercase. Example: "jORDan" -> "jordan".
^ if so, isn't that covered by the plugin suggested by Sama34 ... it can restrict the users to use all small letters
I want that users can not have in its name uppercase, except for the initial. Example:
allowed: Smith or smith
Not allowed: SMITH

Sorry for bad english. Sad
(2011-08-07, 07:19 AM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]You want to force users to use Uppercase letters in usernames ? If so this is the plugin you want:

(2011-08-07, 05:09 PM)ecanikajo Wrote: [ -> ]I want that users can not have in its name uppercase, except for the initial. Example:
allowed: Smith or smith
Not allowed: SMITH
My plugin will do the same.

(2011-08-07, 05:09 PM)ecanikajo Wrote: [ -> ]Premium?
Yes, please.
Quote:I want that users can not have in its name uppercase, except for the initial. Example:
allowed: Smith or smith
Not allowed: SMITH

Sorry for bad english.

Yaldaram's plugin is the only I know that do what you are asking.