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Full Version: How are Users Handled
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I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how users are handled. Mainly, what is the difference between the way they were handled in 1.4 and now in 1.6 in regards to displaying the stats. I was browsing the JFusion website and it appears for integration with MyBB they just need that as I think that is the only thing that has broken (from what I've gathered)
If I understand correctly, this is what you need.

I think $cache has it as well. Do a print_r on $cache and see if anything in that logically makes sense (I'd do it myself but don't have a currenty mybb install to test on and can't remember off the top of my head >.<). I think it's something like $cache['numusers'] or $cache['users'].
(2011-08-07, 05:33 AM)fizz Wrote: [ -> ]I think $cache has it as well. Do a print_r on $cache and see if anything in that logically makes sense (I'd do it myself but don't have a currenty mybb install to test on and can't remember off the top of my head >.<). I think it's something like $cache['numusers'] or $cache['users'].

$stats = $cache['stats'] Rolleyes
So it's $stats = $cashe['stats']?
$stats = $cache['stats'], which makes the current amount of users $stats['numusers']