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Full Version: Make author column?
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I would like to make author column in thread list, instead of showing the author under thread title.
Could someone say me how to do that?
ACP > Templates > Your theme's templates > Forumdisplay Templates > and;

Open forumdisplay_announcements_announcement template, and find;
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}">-</td>
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}">-</td>
and Add the following code just Before that;
<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}"><div class="author smalltext">{$announcement['profilelink']}</div></td>

Open forumdisplay_thread template, and find;
	<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}"><a href="javascript:MyBB.whoPosted({$thread['tid']});">{$thread['replies']}</a>{$unapproved_posts}</td>
and Add the following code just Before that;
	<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}"><div class="author smalltext">{$thread['profilelink']}</div></td>

Open forumdisplay_threadlist template, and find;
		<td class="tcat" align="center" width="7%"><span class="smalltext"><strong><a href="{$sorturl}&amp;sortby=replies&amp;order=desc">{$lang->replies}</a> {$orderarrow['replies']}</strong></span></td>
and Add the following code just Before that;
		<td class="tcat" align="center" width="7%"><span class="smalltext"><strong>Author</strong></span></td>

Now within the same forumdisplay_threadlist template, find;
		<td class="thead" colspan="{$colspan}">
and Change {$colspan} to 9, like this;
		<td class="thead" colspan="9">

Open forumdisplay_announcements template, and find;
and Change it into;

Open forumdisplay_sticky_sep template, and find;
and Change it into;

Open forumdisplay_threads_sep template, and find;
and Change it into;

Now it should become like this;
Well it works fine!
The problem is that under the threads title still there is author of the thread.
Remove this from the forumdisplay_thread template:

<div class="author smalltext">{$thread['profilelink']}</div>
Thank you!
This is a great thread. I added author columns to my forum. Now I wonder if there a way you can add a author column to search results?
^ you have to modify below templates
search_results_posts , search_results_posts_post , search_results_threads , search_results_threads_thread
What code would I put in those templates?