I was pruning inactive members and I noticed that all of the members on the list members page were labeled as memberUsername, basically groupUsername instead of just their username. What's going on and how do I go about fixing this? For example, mine was adminAlex.
Sounds like someone modified an Admin CP file and attached the usergroup to the username. Re-upload the ./admin/ directory from a fresh download.
(2011-08-14, 10:32 AM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like someone modified an Admin CP file and attached the usergroup to the username. Re-upload the ./admin/ directory from a fresh download.
Will this get rid of my usergroups and settings I've set?
No, those are stored in your database. You can safely re-upload it.
(2011-08-15, 01:01 PM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]No, those are stored in your database. You can safely re-upload it.
Alright cool, thanks faviouz!
I uploaded it and it didn't seem to work, I'm still seeing memberUsername.