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Full Version: "Access denied" to Page Manager plugin
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I managed to find one other thread where a user had the same problem. He was told to ensure the "Superadmin" value was set to "1" in one of the files (I can't remember which file it was - I checked it like a week ago). I checked mine and the value is set to "1" but I still can't access this plugin. I tried to continue the original thread mentioning my problem but no one responded.

Has anyone else had this problem? Where else can I look for permissions issues? The account the I'm using to try Page Manager is the same account I use to do most everything else. It's the account that I created the forum with, and no other user supercedes the permissions. There are no other admin accounts and I have no problems accessing anything else. Ideas?
admin panel --> users & groups --> admin permissions --> click on your user name -->
Configuration --> Can manage additional pages? <-- select yes & update permissions

As always, thanks for the tip. Being that everything that you've suggested in the past has worked for me, I would imagine that the information that you gave me here would work as well. However, I was finally able to get my 1.6.4 upgrade to work and now when I activate the plugin I have no way to configure it. The "Page Manager" config in the left hand menu now doesn't show up at all.

I'm going to just give up on this plugin for now. It sounds like a great plugin, it's just had too many strikes for me to put any faith into. Thanks again for your help.