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Full Version: Is this a bug or just a limitation?
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Every time a try to insert a <br/> after the image code in the postbit_groupimage template, the postbit looks like if there was 2 or 3 <br/> instead of just one.

<img src="{$usergroup['image']}" alt="{$usergroup['title']}" title="{$usergroup['title']}" />

<img src="{$usergroup['image']}" alt="{$usergroup['title']}" title="{$usergroup['title']}" /><br/>

Can someone else confirm this please?
I just tried this and it works just as expected. What's your forum URL?

Just behind this image: [Image: admin.png]

There is suppose to be just a <br/>, but if you check the source code there are two of them, this has always happen to me:

<img src="images/groupimages/admin.png" alt="Administradores" title="Administradores" /><br/><br />
Check your postbit_classic template. There should be an extra <br /> after {$post['groupimage']}.
After {$post['groupimage']} there is {$post['user_details']} and there is not a <br/> at the beginning of the postbit_author_user template.

Also, deleting the <br/> in the postbit_gourimage template left a <br/> in the source code that is not possible to remove from any template.
Do you have a ranks plugin? Check the templates for that (in global templates) thats probably where the extra <br /> is.
Deleting {$post['groupimage']} from postbit_classic removes the <br/>.

And what do you mean by ranks plugin? If you mean this:

Then no, I do not use that plugin (but maybe I used it before, when building the forum).

If you need a test account just tell me Toungue
This is in your source code:
<img src="images/groupimages/admin.png" alt="Administradores" title="Administradores" /><br/>
<br />
So check the postbit_author_user template and any other postbit template that is being displayed there for the extra tag.( postbit_avatar, postbit_groupimage, postbit_classic)
If you are using the classic postbit style, MyBB "treat" it a bit different.
if($mybb->settings['postlayout'] == "classic")
	$post['groupimage'] .= "<br />";
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