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Full Version: Make link which change theme?
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I need a link which will change the theme for the users into theme ID 4.
use one of these plug-ins : mytheme , quick theme on change
Quick Theme OnChange Allow users to quickly change their themes.

Author: EviLito

With this plugin, users can change their theme by just selecting it from a list (no submit button required).

The plugin set a "<quickthemeoc>" mark on the footer template, and you can put it wherever you want the list to be shown. This should help you to fit the list on all your themes. When the plugin is deactivated, the list mark is removed.

No language packs are required for this plugin since it uses MyBB default language strings.

You may also change the forum theme using the following URL format:

where TID is the theme ID number.

1) Upload quickthemeoc.php to your plugins directory (usually inc/plugins)
2) Activate "Quick Theme OnChange" from Admin CP



Do you want to force all users to use a certain theme?

AdminCP > Templates & Style > Find the theme you want to be used and hit 'Options' > Force on Users > Confirm Popup.

Otherwise, if you just want a quick switch, nadlerz's post will work.

Either way, if you have the theme enabled for use, users can use it by going to their Profile Options.