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Full Version: Whoops! Fatal MySQL Data Change = AdminCP Logins Failed
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MyBB should be more efficient. Some other forum software's allow you to change and re-organize the ID in the actual panel. I dislike having unorganized ID's. Maybe in MyBB 1.8 such a feature can be integrated? Well, it's a hell long time away. As for the board, It's been reinstalled. It is a bug in MyBB, as if it was not, when the DB was restored to the exact same as it was working, it would work, and it didn't.

You caused it. NOT MyBB.
MyBB's extremely efficient, the whole point of having an automated system is so that you don't have to change anything manually in PhpMyAdmin. YOU changed something and YOU broke the software; the software itself has nothing to do with USER ERROR.
Can I ask what is so "unorderly" about the current group ids? It seems fine in my opinion.
(2011-08-19, 10:26 PM)groovybluedog Wrote: [ -> ]MyBB should be more efficient. Some other forum software's allow you to change and re-organize the ID in the actual panel. I dislike having unorganized ID's.

What's stopping you from changing the group name and permissions? That's what it's there for.

(2011-08-19, 10:26 PM)groovybluedog Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe in MyBB 1.8 such a feature can be integrated? Well, it's a hell long time away.

2.0 is the next release. There won't be a 1.8.

(2011-08-19, 10:26 PM)groovybluedog Wrote: [ -> ]As for the board, It's been reinstalled. It is a bug in MyBB, as if it was not, when the DB was restored to the exact same as it was working, it would work, and it didn't.

You can't mess around with the rows in the database and blame MyBB when you make a mistake.
Why not just add an 'order' field to the groups table. then make it order by the order field in the SQL query on that page.. hmmmm. a lot simpler than what you did.
I am unsure how to do that. I just need to request a mod from someone that allows ID changing within MyBB itself which causes no issues.

Before I try it, is there any way to change the forum ID's without issues? That is my biggest concern and really the only one I absolutely need to change.
Why do you need to absolutely change it? I don't think it would be easy to change it, but I've never tried.
Because when you go down the list of boards I like it to look organized. When you hover the URL (or go to it) becomes the ID and I don't like unorganized numbers ;P
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