MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: How to stop rel="nofollow"
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I have a custom MyCode for images that uses rel="shadowbox;player". Since I have upgraded to 1.6.4 rel="shadowbox;player" is getting replaced with rel="nofollow" even though I haven't got it anywhere in the MyCode for Shadowbox.

Old images that where added when I was still using 1.6.3 are still working as they should do. Its only the images that have been using the MyCode on 1.6.4 that are not working.

Is there a way to bypass the forum adding rel="nofollow"?

The MyCode:

Regular Expression *

Replacement *
<a href="$1" rel="shadowbox;player"><img src="$1"  class="no_fop" alt="Image" id="maximage" title="Click Image To Enlarge"></a>

Example of what it shows up like on the forum.
<a rel="nofollow"
class="no_fop" alt="Image" id="maximage" title="Click Image To Enlarge"></a>

It used to show up like this:
<a rel="shadowbox;player"
class="no_fop" alt="Image" id="maximage" title="Click Image To Enlarge"></a>

Heres a post with an image using the MyCode that was made when the forum was on 1.6.3

and here is one done on 1.6.4