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I am assuming since it is open source we can modify the myBB php scripts.
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This is my college's website -
And you will see a tab named MyCOEP on the right hand side tab menu bottom.
Everyone in our college has email ids like

So suppose your name is Steve Bill Troncoso and you joined our college in 2009 and your department is computers then your id is [email protected]
So you get the general idea right.

We use microsoft email service.
So here is the link to my forum
I am trying to implement a single sign on the website.

So suppose if I login using the myCOEP link and then I want to access the forum I should be pre-logged in the forum.
I will be using session variables. So if you are visiting for the first time then you will be directed to the registration page where your username would be troncososb09.comp and you won't be asked for a password.
I am using the 16bit unique id as password.Which the user will never have to enter.So if he clicks on login on the forum he will be redirected to the myCOEP login page.
And if you have already registered and logged in MYCOEP then once you visit the forum you should be automatically logged in so once they have logged in I will use their email's substring as their userid which is the form I am saving them in the database and will also be passing their unique 16bit key as their password. And once I have internally logged them in the mybb forum(the login process will be invisible) I will redirect them to the forum home page.

I hope I you got all of that.

So my problem is which all phpscripts would I have to edit to make all of the above changes.
I have tried member.php but which script would I have to edit so that instead of a text field in the registration action it shows me the username which is a substring of the email.
Like I have made edits in the member.php so that it save the email substring as username only, but I want it to display that to the user too, so which file do I edit for the modifying that display thing.
And same goes for login and etc.

Please help Please I have no idea which files would have the code which would let me make these changes.
Guys I really need help
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I sort of get what you mean. This tutorial might help:
Thank you so much for the reply.
The link did help a bit.

What I basically want to know is which php scrip int myBB does what?
I know php and html and js I can do the modifications myself.
What I basically wanted to know is which script in the mybb upload folder does what.

Like index.php refers to the main page of the forum and then member.php handles actions like login and register etc.
Suppose instead of the words login, I want the words sign in now which file from the mybb upload directory would I have to open to make those changes. Big Grin
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It'll be one of the language files in /inc/languages. I'm not sure of which one exactly without looking though.
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(2011-08-22, 10:12 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]It'll be one of the language files in /inc/languages. I'm not sure of which one exactly without looking though.

In the registration form, instead of the textbox I want something else displayed, and I do not want to display the password text field.
So where do I make these changes? I mean which file.There must be an html/php file which displays there outputs, which prints them on the browser. I want to know the name of that file.
Just modify the templates Wink
Sir, I have been trying to that only, I just do not know which file am I looking for.
Which file from the mybb directory should I edit to accomplish that.
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