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Full Version: Webify Me
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Now Firefox is getting in on the visualization game with Webify Me, which is described as a “visual manifestation of your personal web.” By answering 20 different multiple-choice questions (such as, “It's late Friday afternoon, and you're still online - how do you finish the week?” and “How social is your network?”), Webify Me will attempt to visualize your Web-surfing experience by throwing relevant items onto the screen.

How webify are you?

This is me..
Here is mine. Smile
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20 minutes wasted. F*$#.

No idea how the XXX bag got in there. Toungue
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... sh*t...
not sure what can be interpreted from it !! me - my web
lol, it thinks im american (hover over status of liberty)

Amazingly it's quite right.
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