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Full Version: Which template set contains Buddy List options
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Which template set deals with buddy list options. i.e.
Add to buddy list and add to ignore list. or simply what is the href of add to buddy list and add to ignore list?
:oops: I guess that I've posted in haste !!

{$buddy_options} is used in member_profile template (Member Templates)
Edit: check usercp_editlists AND usercp_editlists_user (User Control Panel Templates)

but it will show both option above each other. I want to make them separate
are you referring to the buddy links at member profile ?
(on a second thought I had edited earlier response ...)
Thanks, Just stuck on getting user name of member which we want to add as a buddy.
<a href="usercp.php?action=do_editlists&add_username={$username}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}" />
here The {$username} must be the person's username whom we want to add as a buddy, as in below code it is, ranjani
<a href="usercp.php?action=do_editlists&add_username=ranjani&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}"