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im thinking about moving over from phpbb3 to mybb and is testing it on my test server atm but a few tings i cant find how to do

how do u remove the contact us link totally or make it link to a mail form (do not want to show the mail address)

is it possible to prevent a group to email other members true site, i want to turn that function of, pm is enough

can u change the default Account Preferences that are during signup of new users
Quote:how do u remove the contact us link totally or make it link to a mail form (do not want to show the mail address)

You can use a link instead of a email, something like:

Using the Page Manager plugin.

Quote:is it possible to prevent a group to email other members true site, i want to turn that function of, pm is enough

You can remove the code from the templates, and to be really sure you can as well use a plugin to block the action that sends out emails from the usercp.

Quote:can u change the default Account Preferences that are during signup of new users

It depends about what preferences you mean.
ty for the quick reply, to answer the last question i mean default ... on the right side on registration page like Receive emails from the Administrators. yes/no ect , is it possible to change default values if i need to change a 1 to 0 in database manual that's fine just need to know where in the database does settings are

also i want to add a the Date of Birth: field on registration page, what do i customize for that?

i like mybb more then phpbb3 atm allot is built in whiteout needing to use mods like calender , reputation and rating , just need to make a template and above customizing
Date of Birth on registration page is a plugin:

And yes, you can check a 1 to a 0 in the database, I believe. The things you would need to change would be in the yourprefix_users table. If you give me specific names of what you want changed, I can give you a list of the database fields. Smile.
You can also use COPPA:
Search for: COPPA Compliance

Quote:ty for the quick reply, to answer the last question i mean default ... on the right side on registration page like Receive emails from the Administrators. yes/no ect , is it possible to change default values if i need to change a 1 to 0 in database manual that's fine just need to know where in the database does settings are

hmm i think this took care of all my problems Smile thanks all