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1-what is option of send pm in when a post report in ACP?
i select it but not any pm send to my mods.
2-my mods says that cant see report links but i can! also they can view report pages directly
3- they can see other forums' reports as well as theire forum!!
I have the same problem.
MyBB version - 1.2.9.
Any ideas to fix it?
1 - This is actually a bug that has been fixed. Patch files are available here:

2 - Do you mean the notice at the top of the page which says "There are currently X unread reports"

3 - This is done because the count at the top of the forum shows the total number of reports. If you show there are X reports on the top of each page but then when you visit the reports page only a few are shown (specific to that moderator), people would think that is a bug. Also - you can't do a recount on each page view for each moderator and the forums they moderate because it's too intense. For this reason, the total amount is shown and all reports are shown. Moderators can only mark reports read in forums they moderate, however.
Thank You very much, Chris Smile I'll test it.
Chris Boulton Wrote:3 - This is done because the count at the top of the forum shows the total number of reports. If you show there are X reports on the top of each page but then when you visit the reports page only a few are shown (specific to that moderator), people would think that is a bug. Also - you can't do a recount on each page view for each moderator and the forums they moderate because it's too intense. For this reason, the total amount is shown and all reports are shown. Moderators can only mark reports read in forums they moderate, however.

Don't think so Confused

case "do_reports":
		if(is_moderator() != "yes")
		$flist = '';
		if($mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] != "yes")
			$query = $db->simple_select(TABLE_PREFIX."moderators", "*", "uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."'");
			while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query))
				$flist .= ",'".$forum['fid']."'";
			$flist = "AND fid IN (0$flist)";
		foreach($mybb->input['reports'] as $rid)
			$reports[] = intval($rid);
		$rids = implode($reports, "','");
		$rids = "'0','$rids'";


		$sqlarray = array(
			"reportstatus" => 1,
		$db->update_query(TABLE_PREFIX."reportedposts", $sqlarray, "rid IN ($rids)");
		redirect("moderation.php?action=reports", $lang->redirect_reportsmarked);

It's because $flist isn't used in the update query. I've fixed that in the trunk & branch
Tikitiki Wrote:Don't think so Confused

case "do_reports":

It's because $flist isn't used in the update query. I've fixed that in the trunk & branch

Where should I insert this code, beacause as you say Tiki, when I use option Reported Posts Medium -> db, my moderators could select every report as read, no matter what forum.

$db->update_query(TABLE_PREFIX."reportedposts", $sqlarray, "rid IN ($rids)");


$db->update_query(TABLE_PREFIX."reportedposts", $sqlarray, "rid IN ($rids) {$flist}");

in moderation.php