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Full Version: Keeping names hidden when giving warnings.
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Is there any way at all to hide your username when you give someone a warning? I don't like this system where you can send warnings but the members can see who gave the warning upon receiving a private message notification of the warning. I would like to be able to notify a user of a warning without my username appearing upon doing this, I'm the founder of my website so I should be able to edit this feature if it's something which MyBB is capable of doing.

ALSO: Is there any way of changing what the text says when sending a warning? E.g. I would like the text to say: "Dear member of Uzi-Gaming, you've received a warning for the following reason: Please ensure you've read the community rules found here _____".

I would appreciate that, thanks a lot.
Waited some time to receive an answer, none yet.
Where is the mod name show (pic or url)? Maybe you can remove it from the templates.
Here's an image of it, the real problem is the fact I want the username of the member who's sending the warning hidden. They receive this message notifying them of the warning, I want to notify them through PM's that they've received a warning but I don't want my username to show at all.


[Image: 1da161751a88faf257c3efadbce2b39f.png]

I'd appreciate some help, where abouts inside the template would it be located?
Which plugin do you use?

I think it shows your name even if other mod send the warning.
I'm not certain on the plugin, it came like this when I set up my website using mybb. Maybe it's just default and not editable. That would suck considering we as staff get abuse for giving out warnings and especially when it shows our usernames'. It doesn't just show my username, it shows everyone's usernames. Example; If one of my moderators' sends a warning it won't show my name, it'll show theirs.

Thanks a lot.