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I was wondering what php code is used to generate this:
Generated in 0.1169589 seconds (83.16% PHP / 16.84% MySQL)
MySQL Queries: 10 / Parsing 0.0005782 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0948310
PHP version: 4.4.3-dev / Server Load: Unknown / GZip Compression: Enabled

Not using in mybb (just the php code), i was just wondering because i was looking for this and couldnt find it on the net.
you can look in ./inc/db_mysql.php search for the explain_query function

The generating times are recorded using a timer class. Each query is kept in a record and counted. PHP version comes from the phpversion() function built into PHP. The server load is parsed from the result of /proc/loadavg or the uptime command on *nix servers. Otherwise (for Windows servers) it returns "unknown". The GZip Compression is just outputting the setting in the Admin CP whether or not it is enabled/disabled.

You can find these in inc/functions.php in the output_page, get_server_load functions.