I was wondering if it was possible to create numerous members yourself in seconds. I know you can access the Administration Control Panel and create a single user yourself but this is very slow, it also slows everything down. If anyone could answer this question then I'd appreciate that a lot.
Thanks, regards,
As far as I'm aware, there isn't. You have to create users manually.
Ok, well thank you Rad for answering my question. One more thing; Is it possible for anyone viewing the website that doesn't have any Moderation, Administration powers to figure out that they are fake accounts? Thanks a lot.
It's easy to generate fake accounts. I quickly wrote this for you. It's not the best way, but it works.
for($i=0; $i<10;$i++) {
$data['username'] = random_str(8);
//you need other table information from mybb_users such as password, email, etc... here. For example, $data['email']
$db->insert_query("data", $data);
This would generate 10 fake accounts.
Wow, thanks a lot Malcom, where do I place this coding and how do I correctly choose the usernames and everything?
You have to create a new file, add that code, add what you want to the $data array, upload to your mybb directory and run it.
If you have specific usernames you want to register, you can add them to a new array and then use array_rand() to choose a random value.
Well thanks Malcom, this is pretty confusing for me but I'll give it a shot.