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Full Version: How do I remove a POLL from a posted thread?
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Title says it all... I want to remove a poll from a thread I have. Can't figure out how.
Click on the "Edit poll" link in the bottom right corner, tick the "Delete?" checkbox and press the "Delete Poll" button.
unfortunately, I do not see the "Edit Poll" box. The thread I'm trying to adjust is on THESE forums, where I am only a user and not an Admin. Dunno if that changes anything for you.
In that case, you can't remove polls.
@ Kbassil , if you started a thread with poll AND no longer wish to care for
the poll then you may report your own post & request for closing the poll..
thank you both. especially you, ranjani.
What's the thread you need to remove the poll from?

Moved to the " Community & Site Issues" forum.
Here's the thread:

It's the link to my site on the SHOWCASE forum. I setup a poll early on while I was making some changes, and now the poll is outdated.