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Full Version: Multiple Pages?
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I current have a well run community under development, and need to post regular updates to inform our players about new and up comming events. I know such can be done with other website software, but id much prefer if there was a way to add multiple pages to mybb? Below i have included some images for what i am asking. Posting updates, Navigation, Extra needed pages, and so on. If you have any software suggestions that do such, besides Joomla, Nuke, and WordPress, please allow me to know.

Page Navigation

[Image: navigation.png]

Posted Updates / Announcments
[Image: updates.png]

Run By MyBB
[Image: powered.png]

Please, and Thanks, for any and all help. It's much appreciated.

There is a plugin for creating and editing pages. I believe it is called Page Manager if memory serves correctly. You would then be able to edit, create, and delete the pages in the Admin CP. All pages created in this way end up ending with misc.php?page=title of your page. If you want full control over the url you could do something like this:
define('IN_MYBB', 1); 
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'oldindex.php'); /* Useful if you want to be able to determine the online status and location.  You would then need to edit /inc/functions_online.php */
$templatelist =""; /* List any additional templates separated by a comma here to avoid unnecessary queries. */
require "./forums/global.php"; /* Use if you are one level above the forum url.  Use ./global.php if in the forum directory. */
add_breadcrumb("What You want the link to say", "Current Url");
eval("\$page = \"".$templates->get("oldindex")."\";");  /* You can put whatever you want in place of  $page.  Place whatever the template is that has all the HTML and other included templates where it says oldindex. */
output_page($oldindex); /* Put the name of  the variable you evaluated in the parenthesis. */
Yes, but does it have a navigations menu? Or would i have to custom code that?
If you are building a page from scratch you will have to custom code it. In the template that has all your coding start with this as your template
<title>Put title here</title>
<!--Whatever you want goes here and is between the header and footer-->

If you choose to include the header and footer in the page, that disables being able to use PHP, though if your navigation menu is in the Header Template, you won't need to worry about it.