MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Upload Avatar Gallery on another host?
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Hi everyone!
I'm using myBB 1.6.1
The host I'm using has limit for bandwidth and size so I don't upload any avatar gallery on it and force my users to upload their avatar with image URL.

But i have another host with no limit (but not really stable- thats why i'm not using it for my forums).
So I wonder if there is anyway to upload avatar galleries on the second host but users on the first host can access those galleries?

Hope you guys understand what I mean, my Eng is weird.

Use a iframe, to show your avatar gallery from 2nd host to your current forum, or link the databases so that files uploaded in first host will automatically move to the 2nd host's database.

The best way I think is; iframe
I'm a newbie so can you give me detail instruction?
I've got no clue about it Sad
Get a better host. You shouldn't need to do anything like this.