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Full Version: HTML Mass Mail Styling
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Just created a email template in Dreamweaver. Looks top, but when I paste the code into the Mass Mail feature, 1. The preview is nothing like what the WYSIWYG, and 2. When sending a test email there is no styling in the email at all.

The Email:


The only thing I can think of is that it doesnt like the CSS in my page?
But does anyone else have any ideas?
Hotmail doesn't accept CSS values, you have to use standard HTML values like
<font face="verdana" color="green" size="2"></font>
<div background="/images/image_name.gif" bgcolor="orange"></div>
Oh, I wasnt using Hotmail but Yahoo.
Same thing I guess.

Thanks for the info, ill try the above.

All my my styles out the window Sad