MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: "Private" threads visible
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I have several "private" forums, i.e. available only for certain user groups. When such forums are accessed through normal link:

the threads inside are not visible. If I select "text-only" or "archive" view:

I can see thread titles there.

Is it a bug or a feature? For me it's a bug because I don't want guests or users not belonging to specific groups see even those threads titles.
Something is misconfigured on your end. It works fine on this forum.
What can be misconfigured? Any ideas?

Staff section.

Quote:Sorry, you do not have permission to access this resource.


Staff section.

Quote:Sorry, you do not have permission to access this resource.
Damn, wait, lol. Maybe I was seeing it as ADMIN, lol, I logged out and checked, its fine, lol, sometimes, my mind just gets off for a while, done. Smile
Exactly. Toungue

I'm not sure what the problem is with the OP's forum though.
He might have missed setting the configs for guests maybe? Confused