Hi, how do i go about reinstalling mybb on the server without losing all my users, and threads/posts? want to keep user accounts and my threads and posts but reinstall everything else
Upload a backup of your old user counts and posts to your new forum.
ok now exactly what file names do i upload ? want to make sure i do this right before i attempt this.
Make sure all your plugins and modifications are uninstalled/disabled, make a backup of ./inc/config.php and optionally ./inc/settings.php, then make a backup (and download it) of your database. You can do this from your ACP (Tools & Maintenance -> Database Backups -> New Backup).
Then delete all the forum files. Upload a fresh copy of MyBB, drop back your config.php and you should be good to go.
(2011-09-16, 04:00 PM)defender Wrote: [ -> ]ok now exactly what file names do i upload ? want to make sure i do this right before i attempt this.
It solves nothing. May i know why you need to "reinstall"?
If you feel some files have issues, just upload mybb files overwriting the older one. Config.php is named as config.default.php in fresh mybb files and settings.php will automatically regenerate itself, so you won't have a problem replacing the files.
Installing a fresh copy of MyBB, and uploading older database won't solve the issue, unless you individually copy selected tables in database (like users).
I feel i need to reinstall due to the fact some members,, actually alot of them, keep getting a ip out of range message when trying to log in, and also happening when registering for some, i have made a post about this and have got no answers that work.I have read the post about log in and log out, and have followed instructions on there closely, to no avail. Losing members so i feel i have no other choice at this moment. Also settings .php does not regenerate itself on my forum, have tried deleting it, after i did a copy of it, to no avail, so i put the copied file back. I also only wanted to upload user account files and threads after doing the reinstall, as i dont believe those are the issue at hand. But im not sure exactly which files are the user accounts, and thread files.