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Full Version: How to delete entire list/s of banned users ?
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How, if possible, can ACP delete an entire list of 'Banned Accounts' and 'Disallowed Email Addresses' without need to select and delete each account or email, one at a time ?
Or, if possible, is there a database file that needs to edited ?
Or other ?
If you really want to clear out the banned accounts run these two queries in PHPmyAdmin
DELETE FROM mybb_banned
DELETE FROM mybb_banfilters

After doing so, you will need to rebuild the ban cache under tools.
Quote:no need to edit any database files go to user and gropu tabs in acp and selete ban option from there and unban all...
Thanks much !
Assume this is what you had in mind...
>Users & Groups
>Banned / Options / List Users
>check all users with upper left hand chkbox / go down to Inline User Moderation / select Delete User/s
>do for 20 users at a time at each page (at least better than 1 at a time)
Assume PHPmyAdmin would be the ultimate answer, but since not that good with server file navigation etc, this semi-ultimate way works for me.
Thanks again for all the replies and help !

Ooops !
Sorry, spoke too soon.
Seems above solves 1/2 the question... deletes multiple 'Banned Accounts', but couldnt find similar ACP way to delete multiple 'Disallowed Email Addresses' at one time.
Does that require the 'PHPmyAdmin' process ?
Ideas ?