I want to edit click able editor . One, that we get on [get more] smiles in new thread or new reply
Admin CP > Templates & Style > Templates > Your Template Set > Smilie Inserter Templates.
I want to change background color of click-able editor window. and in Smilie Inserter>>smilieinsert_getmore
it is a javascript function call. :?
No, that's all defined in the CSS.
Can u give me the hint for it? where it is ?
<td align="center"><span class="smalltext"><strong>[<a href="javascript:clickableEditor.openGetMoreSmilies('clickableEditor');">{$lang->smilieinsert_getmore}</a>]</strong></span></td>
What do you need to edit exactly?
Background color of it.
It is the [get more] clickable smile inserter displayed at the left side of messege (in new thread or new reply).
By default its background is similar to my forum's body background, but I want to only change its body background not my forum's body background