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Full Version: Why do some plugin names appear black?
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I've been downloading some plugins for my website and for some strange reason various plugins have a black colouring on the title in the plugin section on the Admin CP. Is it something based on the actual way the plugin developer has meant to to appear or does it actually have a significant reason behind it?

Here's what I mean:

[Image: 7636b.png]

Some of them show in black whilst most of them show up in blue like they normally do. I'm thinking it's because they don't link to anything, is it possibly because they're hyperlinks or something?

The plugin author didn't provide a plugin website.
Yes, those that are in blue either link to where you can get the mod, or the author's home page. Those that are in black don't have a hyperlink coded into them.
Thanks, knew it was possibly something to do with that. Hadn't realised for weeks up until 5 minutes before I created this support thread... >_<