Using Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
When I have the browser save my password, it doesn't automatically fill it in the quick login.
However it fills it on the default login page.
No clue what the problem is, but has anyone noticed this?
It has to do with the javascript used to show and hide the login box.
(2011-09-19, 05:36 PM)PJGIH Wrote: [ -> ]It has to do with the javascript used to show and hide the login box.
I figured as much, but on a vBulletin forum I regular on, they have a similar quick login but my details are autofilled.
Is there some trick to it?
(2011-09-19, 05:57 PM)Masayoshi Wrote: [ -> ]I figured as much, but on a vBulletin forum I regular on, they have a similar quick login but my details are autofilled.
Is there some trick to it?
It might be the way they're hiding it to begin with, i.e., CSS or JavaScript.
Not of the most importance but still somewhat critical to the average user, I agree.
I'll see if I can hack it up to autofill and post up my results if a developer doesn't beat me to it.