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I'm trying to install addon interactive chat box, but I want it in the menu bar of the forum. I've tried mods I dont understand how to install them. thats the site, I want to install for the chat. I've got the code just need help on how to set up in the forum on the index bar next to members list can anyone help? I hope so because I'm lost. This is a particular chat box that I want. Thanks. Smile
(2011-09-21, 06:27 AM)Bapun Raz Wrote: [ -> ]you can go with it-
Thanks but I dont want to buy a program, how do I install the one I asked about?
your forum URL please ... where you pasted the code for chat box ?
Uh not going to use that chat box I found a better one. Its easy installation Smile Thanks for your help though guys. This is solved. it was this. This topic is solved.