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Full Version: Google SEO plugin Error 310 redirects
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i am getting an error 310 too many redirects after posting a new thread in our site.
the error is only in one forum.all other forums are good.
here is the url.
all old posts are working well.
i am new to it as the owner of forum gave it to me to handle it.
can any one help

the forum url is :

the first post in the forum is posted recently and it is getting error.
help needed.
I recently had this issue as well and it turns out that you can't have quotation marks in the title of your thread. If your thread that's causing the problem has quotation marks in the title, try making a new one without them and see if it works. Smile
i deleted the subforum and moved all posts to other subforum.
they are opening now but the subforum is not visible on the main page.
the subforum is called " emedicine news net" located under something blah blah. is the url.
This is the forum of envira, right?
yeah,he is away now from it,and i am managing the website.
he is busy with studies and all.
i am new to this stuff.the subforum link is not visible on the main page.
i checked the settings that showed 5 subforums can be shown on the main page in general configuration.
any help can be given ????