MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Error 43|Fatal error: Class 'XMLParser' not found
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Okay, I am trying to make a MyBB Forum and this is my first, but when I try going to install I get through all the steps until "Theme Installation", Then it says "Fatal error: Class 'XMLParser' not found in /home/a3819013/public_html/admin/inc/functions_themes.php on line 15"
And when I try to go to my site it says:
"MyBB has experienced an internal error and cannot continue.

Error Type:
MyBB Error (43)
Error Message:
The install directory (install/) still exists on your server and is not locked. To access MyBB please either remove this directory or create an empty file in it called 'lock'."

Can anyone help?
EDIT: Re-upload all files.
(2011-09-24, 10:35 PM)PJGIH Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: Re-upload all files.

But I havent installed my template yet, or finished the instalation progress yet.
Re-upload all of the MyBB files.
It doesn't matter if you're still installing or not. You're missing files.

Technically, you're missing the ./inc/class_xml.php file, but you should re-upload all the files to make sure you didn't miss any others. This will ensure you don't run into more errors in the future.
Thank you! I <3 you so much.