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Full Version: Stop "Unactivated" users from showing as "Registered" users...
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It seems that I'm getting 4 to 10 spambots a day on my forum, and I'd prefer that they just not be seen on the Member List at all... UNTIL they "activate" their account.

I mean... if they don't activate their account, then why are they considered registered??

I guess the difference is moot, but I would prefer to SEE growth of human development, not spider development... because I want others to SEE real growth, as well.

Hopefully there's a plugin for this?

Or I guess I'll just have to deal with 7 new users every day that aren't actually users at all... but abusers. Is this the case?
Honestly, the best thing you could do to prevent this is using the stopforumspam plugin or askimet. I prefer stopforumspam because its easier then going thru the process of getting an API key from askimet.
(2011-09-27, 04:16 AM)Rallias Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly, the best thing you could do to prevent this is using the stopforumspam plugin or askimet. I prefer stopforumspam because its easier then going thru the process of getting an API key from askimet.

Or just wait for 1.6.5 in which we include stuff like this in the core Smile

There are several ways to approach this, but the easiest (for now) would be to implement this hook change:
And activate the attached plugin...
Unfortunately, I can't wait for 1.6.5, unless it will be out later this evening.

I'd really prefer that these bots not even be in the "awaiting activation" stage... so it seems that a registration question is a good idea.

I have tried both of the available plugins and I'm getting problems with both...

Hopefully somebody can explain why these plugins work for others but not for me!!! Surely there is something about plugin installation that I'm just not understanding, right?
For the non-activated users plugin I made for you, please download this one and install it (simply upload the inc folder to your forum root)

You'll automatically be notified of updates this way Smile