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Full Version: Bug?³
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: semttulorz.png]

Is it a bug?
If it is, the way to solve?
If possible would like to know as soon as possible.
Greetings, and thank youSmile
ACP > Configuration > Server and Optimization options > Advanced Stats / Debug information,

set to, NO.
Edit: not seen above response by crazy4cs ..

what is the bug ? is it appearance of the server debug information at wrong location ?
if so, it is related to the theme ! anyway, you can turn off that debug information ..

admin panel --> configuration --> settings --> Server and Optimization Options -->
Advanced Stats / Debug information <-- select no AND save the settings
[Image: semttuloldn.png]
I like the Bug?³ Big Grin
Now whats the problem in next image?
See the picture ...
guests do not have access to that theme on your forum .. can we have a test user account ...
I dont understand what the bug is?
Pages: 1 2