Congratz on succeeding. What's the past like?
Better than the present. As long as your name isn't Ruthefellerfrankenskellerobromwitz. Then you might be in trouble. Escpecially if you declared 6 * 9 = 42 to Xenocrates.
Wednesday comes after Tuesday??
Malcom, watch the video called "Friday" on youtube. It will tell you the days of the week.
I'm going to print this up and post it around town.
(2011-10-04, 01:48 PM)PJGIH Wrote: [ -> ]Now it does.
Nice joke. Next you'll be telling me women have rights.
(2011-10-06, 04:33 AM)Malcolm. Wrote: [ -> ]Nice joke. Next you'll be telling me women have rights.