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Full Version: Congrats Audentio!
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Thanks for the love! Much appreciated, Ill do what I can to the best of my ability.

(2011-10-05, 01:55 AM)Jason L. Wrote: [ -> ]First off, congrats. Secondly, not trying to be a hater here but please don't make the default super overdone. Thanks.

Justin is lead designer and will be handling the default theme. Send all attempts not to be a hater to him. Smile

(2011-10-05, 01:55 AM)Jason L. Wrote: [ -> ]First off, congrats. Secondly, not trying to be a hater here but please don't make the default super overdone. Thanks.

As Audentio said, Justin is creating the default theme. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed with it; he's done a fabulous job. Smile
I'm sure we'll be seeing some awesome new improvements with him on the team.

Congrats mate Smile
Amazing news! I can only see good things coming from this, so congrats Mike!
Congrats Mike Big Grin Knew it'll happen one day ;P
congratts audentio,your themes are best
Congratulations Mike! Wink
Great news. I'm a fan of his designs Smile
congrats and I hope you add more Juice to User interface in mybb (it's already awesome)

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