I just changed my domain, How can I edit all posts and signatures in my forums that contains the old domain and replace it with the new one?
Let's say there are 100+ posts with forum links using the old domain
Hey dude, visit my fanfic in
How can I edit all posts only replacing
try below sql queries (take a backup of the database before running sql queries)
UPDATE `mybb_posts` SET `message` = REPLACE (`message`, 'olddomain', 'newdomain') WHERE `message` LIKE '%olddomain%';
UPDATE `mybb_posts` SET `signature` = REPLACE (`signature`, 'olddomain', 'newdomain') WHERE `signature` LIKE '%olddomain%';
Run these queries:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `signature` = REPLACE (`signature`, 'http://www.olddomain.com', 'http://www.newdomain.com') WHERE `signature` LIKE '%http://www.olddomain.com%'
UPDATE `mybb_posts` SET `signature` = REPLACE (`signature`, 'http://www.olddomain.com', 'http://www.newdomain.com') WHERE `signature` LIKE '%http://www.olddomain.com%'
You should also cover users that don't put the www subdomain in the URL by running these queries:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `signature` = REPLACE (`signature`, 'http://olddomain.com', 'http://newdomain.com') WHERE `signature` LIKE '%http://olddomain.com%'
UPDATE `mybb_posts` SET `signature` = REPLACE (`signature`, 'http://olddomain.com', 'http://newdomain.com') WHERE `signature` LIKE '%http://olddomain.com%'