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Full Version: Stop making plugins that are simple template edits
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(2011-10-08, 07:40 AM)patrick Wrote: [ -> ]You suppose that plugin authors don't know how to code..... and you're right Toungue

My point is that a plugin doesn't necessary use resources, nor does is consume memory. The reason is that a plugin that does something that only requires a template edit, should use the install function to perform the edit, and the uninstall to remove the edit. There's no need for hooks, so there's no performance hit.

Except some plugins, like my favicon plugin, that hooks at global_start or something to insert a line of code every time the page is loaded hehe
Is this thread for insulting authors? why you guys are mentioning plugins? I agree with the OP, but this is not right to point out some plugins, Beginners learn from small things. Yes there will be a standard for plugins, that allow authors to fulfill that standard, or their plugins will be rejected.
Everyone is missing the point here. The point is that creating stupid little plugins that only make template edits is completely pointless, its uses unnecessary valuable resources. Yes, as someone mentioned above, its helps "beginners" learn how to create plugins but they shouldn't be allowed to release them to the public via the mods site.

If these sort of plugins are to be created, let the "beginners" create them for users that request them rather than letting these guys upload such plugins to the mods section.
Create a sub category for these rather, obselate plugins, force in the thread that the template edit is noted, so that you could also do it manual.
That way you sort of got rid of them out of the main plugin releases.
I'm fine the way things are now, if you don't want to use a plugin don't use it.

But I can understand some people don't like these, because I do agree with the statements given.
I agree with pavemen.look at the plugins of IPB or Xenforo...they maintain quality.mybb is the best forum software and we love to see such quality
I see both sides of this honestly. I think the biggest advantage of having simple plugins like this are people with a lot of themes. But, then comes the though why do you have so many themes?

So I wouldn't mind seeing this done and it would probably lead to the tutorials forum being used more.
I agree with pavemen; there are many stupid plugins out there to make simple template edits. Generally this isn't a big issue if the edit is done and left, but when the edits are done on the fly, it becomes a royal pain to modify the code being inserted for those who don't know what they're doing in the first place (because now you have to modify the plugin to modify the HTML). The other problem I, personally, have with these types of plugins is that they clutter ones plugin list unnecessarily making debugging an even more daunting task.

Perhaps MyBB could use a separate "plugin" system for managing template edits; upload an XML file with the required changes and add some options to remove it, refresh (ie. reapply), and have it automatically add to new themes. Do it in such a way that it's only allowed to modify templates, and keep plugins for things that actually require PHP to function.
Imo, I think the way to fix all of this is to somehow fix MyBB's query-hungry plugin system. IDK how to fix that however.

EDIT: Scoutie's idea would work awesome Cool
Glad this is staying more or less on topic. I purposely left a list of examples of offending plugins out of my post to avoid any confrontation. Please try to keep it that way.

I am not sure about Scoutie's suggestion about the separate system for template edits, unless of course the main plugin system still allows for template modifications when those are required. I'd hate to have to write separate parts for templates and then the plugin code.
one more thing. I am by no means advocating that users do not try to make plugins for MyBB, but to bring attention to the fact that directly editing templates is a much simpler solution.

You want to learn/practice, then you can make plugins for yourself and that is great. However, just be aware of the more efficient solutions to the problems you are trying to solve.
(2011-10-08, 08:42 PM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]I'd hate to have to write separate parts for templates and then the plugin code.

Ideally, I think, plugins should only perform edits on the fly, for example the quick theme plugin, which doesn't actually edit any templates but does a find/insert with each page load. For static template edits, I don't see why they shouldn't be separated, really. I know you'd end up with two files at the end of the day (one plugin on template XML), but it's a neater solution than the end user wondering if the template edit is stored in the plugin or the XML imo.
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