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Full Version: Database Configuration!
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Hello All,
I need help with my Database Congfugiration!
Help me/.
Read [Wiki: Installing] (Broken link, head over to instead) thoroughly.
Well, Do I need to upload it on phpmyadmin?
I used FTP Client.
use FTP,
What webhost are you using?

Here is a tutorial on how to install and configure MyBB on 000webhost.
(2011-10-10, 03:08 PM)PJGIH Wrote: [ -> ]What webhost are you using?

Here is a tutorial on how to install and configure MyBB on 000webhost.

It's not difficult on installing on 000webhost, same procedure as for other hosts
000webhost is just an example. But, it should show Evelynn how to do it Smile
(2011-10-10, 03:49 PM)PJGIH Wrote: [ -> ]000webhost is just an example. But, it should show Evelynn how to do it Smile

okay Big Grin