MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: [urgent] moved my forum to new host and can't login now
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i followed this tut=
did everything right uploaded backup etc, forum works but when i try to login nothing happens, i type my username and pass, click login and it doesn't work, site just refreshes. i edited settings.php right Confused what's the problem??

$settings['bburl'] = "/forum"; ( as i have it on website that has forum button)
$settings['cpstyle'] = "";
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "./forum";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/";
$settings['cookieprefix'] = "";

edit: i tryed to login to admincp and worked, but when i click settings tab it loggs me out and can't login agin... weird.
$settings['bburl'] <-- complete URL without trailing slash
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/forum/";

see also Login / Logout problems ...
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/forum/";

should be only if you've your forum hosted on , if its direct like , cookie path should be:

$settings['cookiepath'] = "/";
AHH now when i click login it takes me to old domain! What the hell now it was working!
So everything is fine now?