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Full Version: Ajax chat problem!!
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Hey guys, I've been having a problem with the Mybb Ajax Chat from

So I used the chat for about a year and a half, switching hosts about half way through it... I generally got used to the system and made some easy edits, (custom theme, language file changes, a quick fabridge change to stop an annoying dialog box from opening when starting the chat in Chrome.)

And that seemed fine, then about a week later the site went down, I know the server admin personally, so I questioned him on it... He said it was a script in the chat freaking out and caused the whole ever to go down.

I got tired of this, after it happening every 2-3 days, so I deleted the chat and tried a fresh install, which worked for about a day, then it put the site under again.

Right now I have my site using ET chat, it works, but I find there is a much smaller number of users in chat now. And I would really love to get Ajax back. We're even thinking about paying someone to fix it. But right now I'm just going to ask if any of you have an answer for me?

If you want a site URL I'll send a pm as I'm not comfortable with sharing my site publicly,

Thanks Big Grin
AJAX chat demands a lot from the server. If the server isn't up to it, it could bring the server to its knees.

Have you looked at EzIRC as a chat plugin? It's a bit lighter on the server, and can run totally off-server for knowledgeable users.
Erm... nothing to do with merge system. Moved.
ajax demands for a lots of server try to use other chatbox
(2011-10-21, 02:24 PM)Rukbat Wrote: [ -> ]AJAX chat demands a lot from the server. If the server isn't up to it, it could bring the server to its knees.

Have you looked at EzIRC as a chat plugin? It's a bit lighter on the server, and can run totally off-server for knowledgeable users.

I would really recommend this, or by getting a shoutbox and hacking it into a custom page.
Eh, I'm pretty dead set on getting ajax back... Thanks for the replies, but I think I'm going to look into getting a better host.
You may just need to change the purge settings. You can determine after how many days the chat is purged - I assume it cleans out the mysql tables. If you set it to purge the tables every day, your server may well work with ajax chat

I myself love ajax chat too, but got it only to run on my localhost, but on my webserver it doesn't run - it only shows the connected users, but messages don't go out, and I don't even get an error message. I switched now to MyShoutbox.