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Full Version: Need help with pages On nav bar please!!
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ive posted this before but nowone would help so i hope someone will now.
i need to know how to add another page like on the navigation bar by memberlist and stuff or like a drop down menu? SOMONE PLEASE HELP.
give me a link or somthing please
Go to: Admin CP > Templates > Your theme's templates > Header templates > header > and find;
and add the following code just before that,
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/portal.php" title="Portal" alt="Portal">Portal</a></li>

You probably need to add image in front of Portal name, for this Replace above code with the following;
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/portal.php" title="Portal" alt="Portal"><img src="IMAGE_LINK"> Portal</a></li>

Replace Portal to your own name.