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Full Version: Logo not changing
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I am using this template on my forums

I am trying to change the logo to a logo I have made. I have deleted and then uploaded my own logo to forum/images/images/FancyBlack but its not changing.

Also now that I have uploaded this theme I do not have my shout box and im not sure how to add the box back XD

Noob ftw
your forum URL is required ; if you clear your browser cache then you may be able to see changed logo !

for the shoutbox, you may have to add {myshoutbox} in index template of the active theme
oh yeah forgot about the shout box thing.
I have CTRL + R, CTRL + F5 and even cleared the cache through firefox.
All the index file has in it is
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=../" />
<a href="../">MyBBoard</a>
admin panel --> templates --> click on active templates set --> index page templates --> index

find {$forums} AND add {myshoubox} {myshoutbox} above it ...
ok I have add it as below, but now its just adding {myshoubox} above the forums, same if below
:oops: there was a mistake in previous response ; it should be {myshoutbox} if I am not mistaken again !!
why did I not even pick that up lol.

Now back to the logo. do you have anyidea why its not changing?

Now for somereason I am stuck in a infinite log on cycle to log in to my ACP
^ clear your browser cache for admin panel login issue ...

your logo appears to be coded in header template (current logo image link)
How do I change that? because I can not seem to find that. I have cleared my cache, but it is still not working
it should be in logo div ; something similar to below :

<div class="logo"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php"><img title="TechGalaxy Forums" alt="TechGalaxy Forums" src="" ilo-full-src=""></a></div>

OR is it :

<div class="logo">
<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php"><img src="{$theme['logo']}" alt="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" title="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" /></a>

if it is like first code then you can change the image source URL there ...

if it is like second code then you have to check the theme properties for logo URL
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